DAY 4 - A Path to Follow

27th May 2022 was the fourth day of the project, and this day we called "Career Development" day. After breakfast, the participants started the activity where their skills, qualities, and experience were the main focus. This activity was designed to encourage young people to think about the skills, qualities, and experiences they had that were transferable to their desired careers. We handed out paper and pens and asked the young people to draw three overlapping circles onto their sheets. These should be headed "Work experience"; "Hobbies and interests"; "Volunteering or community projects". Inside each circle, they put details of things they had done and the skills or qualities developed in that activity. Any skills or qualities that were repeated should be noted in the overlapping sections. After which, using a highlighter pen the young people highlighted the skills and qualities that they thought their desired career paths. Then young people were asked to share their findings and pull out some of the key attributes they might need for their careers, such as trustworthiness, good communication, and organizational skills.

After the break, the participants were now asked to think about their future plan for their career development path and the tools and manners they would need to reach it. They wrote down the things they wanted to achieve and the time needed to fulfill them. During this activity we suggested focusing on three phases: short-term (tomorrow - 6months), middle-term (6 months - 1 year), and long-term (after 1 year). Later participants put their “footprints” towards self-development on the floor and sat in a circle during the plenary. They were invited to share their projects and aims on a voluntary basis and to share how they could help the others on achieving their goals

After lunch, another game was waiting for the group. In this session, the participants were trying to analyze the role of the mentor. So working in teams of six, they tried to answer the questions such as "who is a mentor?, Which competencies does a mentor have?, How to find a mentor?,  How to identify if a specific mentor can be useful for me?" etc. Later teams presented the results of their discussions and asked questions to each other in order to have a clear idea about the role of a mentor. 30 mins. of a break was given. 

After the break, we shifted the focus of the participants to volunteering with the activity called "Volunteering Matters". The activity was about sharing knowledge about matters of volunteering. It was an open space coordinated by a facilitator. Participants shared their previous experiences of being a volunteer, and their stories. They discussed the importance of being a volunteer and its influence on career development. Participants were informed about the opportunities provided by European Solidarity Corps and Erasmus + in terms of volunteering and raising their awareness of the topic.

The activity was followed by the reflection group and group leaders meeting where Day 4 was evaluated and the comments were noted. After the dinner, it was time for the team from Morocco to represent their country to other teams. Some photos are attached below, for all photos follow the link: