"A Path To Follow" Youth Exchange

Prj. No: 2021-1-NO02-KA152-YOU-000004991

From 23rd May to 1st June 2022 TtB Association organized an international Erasmus+ Youth Exchange project called "A Path to Follow" in Trondheim by hosting 31 participants from six countries - Georgia, Cyprus, Spain, Armenia, Morocco, and Norway. The project was supported by five partner non-governmental organizations (NGOs) from Georgia - "BITISI", Cyprus - "ACPELIA", Spain - "Jarrón Club", Armenia - "Youth Mix", Morocco - "Mediterranean Forum For Social Development". The project was funded by the European Union under the Erasmus+ programme through the Norwegian National Agency - "Erasmus+ Ungdom".

The project was full of workshops, games, and activities which ultimately aimed to address the career-related issues that young people face at their early professional stages. Alongside getting new knowledge, the participants were also engaged to work in pairs/teams which improved their teamwork and leadership skills and helped them to get to know each other better. 

The project lasted 8 days excluding the arrival and departure days, and during these 8 -day sessions the participants updated their knowledge about their current professions and discovered their competencies, and clarify their strong and weak sides. As the right mindset is one of the key elements in career development and motivation, some sessions were specially designed to focus on these points too. In another session, they created short and long-term development plans to reach their career dream points. Non-formal education is the way of learning method in Erasmus+ projects, and therefore in another session, we raised the awareness of the added value of non-formal learning to the participants and elaborated on the role of the mentor from their eyes which is important for the career development. Approaching the end of the project, the focus point was shifted toward breaking down career-related stereotypes and highlighting the importance of internationality in careers and fostering a sense of tolerance. Additionally, the participants as teams to create “Career Development Clubs” in each country and learn the different methods from other countries through the case shadowing process. In the end, the participants received "YouthPass" certificates that confirm their full participation and the skills they learned through the project duration. 

In addition to the seminars, during the project, the participants visited "Thamspaviljongen" which was Norway's contribution to the world exhibition in Chicago in 1893, and a genuine art of the craftsmen which is one of the career paths. After which the participants discovered Trondheim monuments, sightseeing, and places with the group city games. Moreover, each day one national team were representing their country in a cultural evening to the other participants through their national music, history, dance, cuisine, and games. 

All in all, the project helped the participants to explore their career paths that existed deeply to exchange their experiences, find common issues, and explore solutions they could use to satisfy profession-related needs. There were inclusive activities to create a friendly environment and to drive the proper attainment of competencies. Young people developed themselves and disseminated outputs for a greater impact. To get information about each day's sessions and to see the photos of the respective days, click on the timetable below.